Thursday, December 4, 2014

Convergence Culture

1. Jenkins' says, "It also occurs when people take media in their own hands. Entertainment content isn’t the only thing that flows across multiple media platforms. Our lives, relationships, memories, fantasies, desires also flow across media channels." Jenkins believes convergence culture is when everything combines  and flows all through different media channels.

2. Jenkins' talks about how creative users can be when they take media into their own hands. Most creative engagement happens by early adopters and white, middle class, educated males. These are the people who are getting involved with media and getting involved with all aspects of media and combining them. These creative users can take a brand and move it across different mediums. 

3. Participators engage by simply being involved, engaged and participating. It is when the producers and the consumers are not separate though not all consumers are equal. These users are not separated by different media content, they are connected and reach out to other mediums and stay connected. The convergence truly starts through the brain of the consumers and their social interactions with others. 

Overall media convergence is something that Jenkins' sees as taking all that we have to give and let it combine through different channels. This creates this convergence culture that users are embracing and letting change the way we consume media.